
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Self portrait as a machine

This is my Self portrait as a machine for assignment 2A

Sunday, August 20, 2006


I still play around with the Blending option in this new image, especially the texture, gradient overlay and the outer glow.

new image

In this image, I just play around with Photoshop. I try to work with blur effects, and the layer styles. I still using my favorite colours, but I will try to find out some good combinations for other colours.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


This time, I try to playing with text, especially the arrangement. I write 2 sentences, and then break them out into separate pieces. Next, I arrange them in my new structure and backgrounds; I think it’s quite funny

my faces

These are the images of what I see in my face. I don’t have a good feeling with face every time I see it in the mirror. So I did destroy it with Photoshop in order to make it more different and stranger. I wanted to see it in my side, not my friend’s side.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

another sample

This is another sample of my website, this time I use line as the main element. Hope you will like it, and give me your opinions.

sample website

These are the sample layouts for my website. It is for the assignment in webpage construction class. I tried to make it simple using my favorite colors. Therefore, I used shapes to build up this layout, and mixed the three colors with these shapes. However, I really need some of your ideas to make it better.