
Friday, March 31, 2006

Meaning of colours

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Door of Time

I create this image by using some of the pictures in the black board with the Mask effect. All the picture are in the seperate layers with their own marks. On the top of them, I create a cloud effect to make it more mysterious. I also use some other effects such as Levels and Hue/saturation in these layers. The final image is like someone looks down to the earth through the Door of Time, Door of Heaven. In the other hand, it's like a person looking at at himself in the mirror.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Within Temptation

This is a wallpaper of one of my favourite band "Within Temptation". I was very excited when I saw this image at the first time. It makes me feel freedom, like a bird has just been released from a big cage. It also makes me feel that I am becoming purity, just like the black feather changes to white. I have a lot of feelings about this image, and I think its design is very cool. It has white, blue, black and some light effect in the words and the feathers too.

In contrast with the image above, this image is like lights in the dark. Although it is not a huge, it's strong enough to bright the whole space. Once again, the design is very cool especially the light and drop water effects.

The way out!

This is the original pic

In this image, I created 1 layer for the cloud and others for the church. I also used Find Edge, Levels and Hue to manipulate the original pic. I also create a light effect in the cloud layer to make the top of the church brighter. I'm not christian, so in this case I just mean that when we are lost in the darkness of ourselves, our belief will show us the way out. We must believe in ourselves, even we may have mistake but we can do it again!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

a New Day has Come!!

Original picture I don't think this image is an abstraction, but it's beautiful. Do you think so?? When I look at it, I feel silent and safe. It's like a beginning of a new day, a new beginning of many things such as human, nature, it's is like a seed of like. I changed the Red, Green and Blue layers of the original picture with some effect like Blur and sketch. Finally, I changed the Level of the whole image to gain the cyan colour

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

To be Free

The original picture

In both of these images, I just focus on the feeling of freedom. So I tryed to make the original pic looked like liquid. It's like a hard metal is melted and becomes flexible. So it gains the feeling of freedom in my mind. Almost the effects I used is the "Liquify".

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Another abstraction

This is the abstract image that I made using the picture above. It's like a child is screaming because of poisons

Eyes of the Child

This is the original picture

This is the my first abstract image. It makes me feel somthing chaos and the time still goes. It is like something is hiddenbehind the background.

And the second one, it's looked like a Chinese painting. It makes me feel that there is a relationship between people and time.

And the final one, the time and light. It is the lights for someone who is lost in time